Sustainable Ethics for Inclusive Digital Environments (SEIDE)
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Human-technology interactions research at DEFI

We currently spend most of our time interacting with digital objects, services and environments that substantially affect our capabilities, socio-emotional behaviour, well-being and participation in society.
The development of digital and virtual technologies for education, entertainment, work and socialization can provide novel experiences by sparking new cognitive, sensorial, and physical reactions which might generate new ethical implications.
To boost the study of these new implications we promote the advancement of research, education and policy development to advance positive change for new human-technology interactions. We focus on studying, forecasting and guiding organizations to make sustainable ethical change for the design and development of digital and virtual environments that positively augment human capabilities.
With our research program we have established working groups of top experts from different fields to support organizations with investigation, discovery and assessment of digital and virtual environments according to sustainable ethical principles, such as inclusion, diversity, equity, access, safety and privacy.
Our mission is to strengthen engagement with the community by accelerating the dissemination of cross-disciplinary research outputs while helping organizations to make positive change and translating research knowledge to influence policy makers and international standards organizations
What we offer
Development, curation and dissemination of cutting-edge research knowledge
SEIDE accesses an international community of researchers, scientists and expert professionals for research on the ethical aspects of inclusion, diversity, equity, access, safety and privacy. Through consulting and community engagement activities, we support organizations wishing to design the right digital and virtual tools, technologies and content for people around the world.
Guide good decision making in policy, practice and research at an international level
Through the partnership of our researchers and a network of experts in standards development and policy making, we influence the development of new policies and standards. Our goal is to help organizations to adhere to the Sustainable Development Goals by building ethically compliant digital and virtual environments for education, entertainment, work and socialization.
Zallio M., Clarkson P.J. (2022). Designing the Metaverse: A study on Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Safety for digital immersive environments,
Telematics and Informatics, 2022, 101909, ISSN 0736-5853,
Zallio, M., & Clarkson, P. (2022). Inclusive Metaverse. How businesses can maximize opportunities to deliver an accessible, inclusive, safe Metaverse that guarantees equity and diversity. (
Zallio, M., Clarkson, P. (2023). Metavethics: Ethical, integrity and social implications of the metaverse. In: Tareq Ahram, Waldemar Karwowski, Pepetto Di Bucchianico, Redha Taiar, Luca Casarotto and Pietro Costa (eds) Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2023): Integrating People and Intelligent Systems. AHFE (2023) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 69. AHFE International, USA.